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RFS: jupyter components


The following packages should be ready for upload, if someone would be
willing to check and sponsor the uploads:

 * ipython 5.4.0-1

   IPython 6.x is now available, but is python3 only. For the moment,
   the existing ipython source package will be the 5.x series, and at
   some point it will cease to build the python3 package and a new
   source package based on ipython6 will take that binary over.

   Question for previous packagers: we currently ship a custom
   ipython.sh script as /usr/bin/ipython[3] instead of using the
   entry-points script that would otherwise be installed, but I can't
   find the rationale documented - faster startup?

 * jupyter-console: 5.2.0-1

   I tried out converting this one to gbp-pq (all others are still in
   git-dpm format)

 * jupyter-core: 4.3.0-1
 * nbformat 4.4.0-1
 * jupyter-client: 5.1.0-1

The remaining packages are currently blocked:

 * nbconvert: 5.2.1

   waiting on python-pandocfilters >= 1.4 (already in dpmt git, but
   not yet uploaded)

 * jupyter-notebook: 5.0.0

   working package available, but with some functionality limited due to
   unpackaged or out-of-date javascript libraries



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