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Re: Team maintained packages and git-dpm (was Re: Team upload for python-jedi)

Barry Warsaw <barry@debian.org> writes:

> We've talked about eventually dropping git-dpm and just using gbp (with gbp-pq
> for patch management).

There are some packages (I won't mention names) that have already
started doing this.

Would it be worth creating a concrete proposal to phase out usage of
git-dpm in favour of gbp-pq?

e.g. leave packages as-is, however on next update remove the
debian/.git-dpm config file and unapply all patches. This could also
wait until after the stretch release, however not sure if that matters.

Or would dgit be a better option? I confuse I don't really understand

I don't particular care what we move to, however it seems to me that we
really should be dropping git-dpm.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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