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Team maintained packages and git-dpm (was Re: Team upload for python-jedi)

On Jan 22, 2017, at 03:00 PM, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:

>On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 11:54:13AM +0000, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:
>> "Drop DPMT from Uploaders (due to problems with multiple tarballs in
>> git-dpm)"
>> Then, the package is no longer team-maintained?  
>Personally I think we could allow such packages to remain in team, even if
>they are not able to use git-dpm.

In the past, we've discussed the status of git-dpm and team maintained
packages.  I believe I'm accurate in saying:

* git-dpm is no longer actively maintained
* even so, in the majority of cases it Just Works for us

The main thing that git-dpm gives us is patch management with usually good
enough integration with quilt.  FWIW, I use straight-up gbp for most of my
actual package building tasks, but I use git-dpm for pulling in a new
upstream, managing patches, and tagging.

We've talked about eventually dropping git-dpm and just using gbp (with gbp-pq
for patch management).  I think the fact that git-dpm pretty much works fine
in most cases reduces the pressure to drop it.  And it is true that we want
consistency across the team packages so that we can document how you maintain
them in one place (e.g. the wiki[1]), and there's no guesswork when you walk
up to a repository and want to contribute.

But we do have an "out" for team maintained packages where the standard
workflow isn't appropriate.  This can include packages for which git-dpm
doesn't work, for packages which need a different branch naming scheme, etc.
This requires you to document the differences in your debian/README.source

You should be judicious about deviation from our standard team workflow.  Be
kind to your fellow maintainers and really try to work within the standard
team policies and procedures.  But in cases where you must deviate, you can
still be part of the team!  Please discuss your issues on this mailing list,
come to some agreement among the active uploaders, and document your
differences in d/README.source.


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackaging

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