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Re: /usr/bin/django-admin in python-django


Karsten Hilbert:
> Writing '''' would make the first quote escape the second.
Not escape, but …

> Or some such :-)
To make this more explicit:

foo=''' '
echo This is Shell code
exec python $0
' '''
print("This is Python")

So to Python, you have a (multiline, hence the triple-quote) string which
contains of a space and a single quote, a linefeed, random text, and the
reverse linefeed-singlequote-space combo.

To the shell, $foo is a single space.

In fact, I would do this slightly differently:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

shell_code=''' '
echo This is Shell
exec python $0

## ONLY use DOUBLE quotes ‹"› after this line
print("This is Python")

# End of Python code. Do not modify this line. #'

This way, "dash -n $SCRIPT" will ignore the Python code
(since it's a string) and not report a syntax error.

-- Matthias Urlichs

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