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Re: Python fdb


2012/12/28 Jakub Wilk <jwilk@debian.org>:

> ImportError: No module named setuptools
seems that I forgot a build require, I have a lot to learn about
various dh tools , debhelper magic and Debian various macros.

> I also noticed that docs/_static/ contains some minified JavaScript files
> without source. You'll have to either ask upstream to include un-minified
> version of these, or remove from .orig.tar.
ok, about docs,
do I need to rebuild them ? (and if yes how ? is there any dh_ for
that ? to you have a example somwhere on how to do it ?)
because the docs/_static/ are in fact result of make html in the
sphinx/ upstream directory

> debian/copyright says the license is BSD-3-clauses, but in fact LICENSE.txt
> contains a different license.
hum isn't a BSD like ? any suggestion ?

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