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dh_python2 transition

Hi everyone,

One of the things I am planning on working on during the next Ubuntu cycle is
the transition to dh_python2.  I think there are two parts to this:

* Uncontroversial: python-central -> dh_python2
* (Perhaps?) controversial: python-support -> dh_python2

I hope I'm not offending anyone by those categorizations, so please correct me
if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I think it's a big job to do all the conversions, but I've already
done a number of them, so I think I can be helpful filing bugs and submitting
patches (and get fired-up again for working on my DD resume).  To that end, I
plan on starting on the python-central -> dh_python2 conversions.

Assuming I'm using the tools correctly, I've done an analysis of the packages
in Wheezy and Natty that build-dep on python-central, and I've uploaded these


as attachments.  I think there are 633 packages in the union of Debian and
Ubuntu python-central build-dep packages.  It seems to make the most to start
with the 48 packages that are common to both.

Please double check my numbers!  I used build-rdeps and reverse-build-depends
to come up with the basic package sets, and applied a little Python code to
come up with the subsets.  I probably made mistakes. ;)

Here's a question though: some packages do not support building for multiple
versions of Python.  I ran across several of these during the Natty cycle and
where I couldn't fix it (due to lack of time or know-how) I just enabled
Python 2.7 and ignored Python 2.6.  I could get away with that in Natty
because 2.7 is the default (and 2.6 will go away in Oneiric), but in Wheezy,
2.6 is still the default.  So for such packages in Debian, I will just enable
Python 2.6 and file a bug for dual-Python support.  Does that make sense?

One such example is avogadro, which is the first one I started with.  I have
it building just fine in a sid sbuild environment and will soon upload a
patch, but only for Python 2.6.

Comments, corrections, help, and information are, as always, welcome.


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