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Sponsors and ‘UNRELEASED’ suite (was: RFS: Didjvu, Djvusmooth, Ocrodjvu, Pybtex)

Moving this non-Python part of the discussion to ‘debian-mentors’.

Stefano Rivera <stefano@rivera.za.net> writes:

> First, we don't tag releases until they are uploaded. You can leave the
> changelog entry as UNRELEASED, and the sponsor will fix that and tag on
> upload.

Is this common practise among sponsors?

I was under the impression that the maintainer should create the package
exactly as it should be uploaded into Debian, and the sponsor can expect
to make no modifications before re-building. So I always put the
intended target suite in the changelog entry.

If the above convention (the sponsor will change ‘UNRELEASED’ to the
appropriate suite name before re-building) is common, is it documented

 \       “From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I |
  `\        was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it.” |
_o__)                                                    —Groucho Marx |
Ben Finney

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