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Re: Numpy API change?

On Jul 22, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Jul 2010, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> >But assuming that in longer run we agree on how we invoke
>> >unittesting for Python modules we ship[...]
>> I propose this be spelled: 'python setup.py test'.
>does setup.py test  just do unittesting? or + doctesting, regressions,
>examples, ... ?

It depends on the package.  IOW, this command should run whatever core set of
tests the package defines.

>doesn't it re-build module first?

It builds it, but shouldn't rebuild it.

>do you advocate also 'module.test()' may be for testing already
>installed module whenever setup.py is no longer there?

That's an interesting question.  I'd rather see runpy supported so you can do
things like 'python -m foo --test', but I haven't thought about it (or
experimented) in detail yet.

>Altogether setup.py test sounds like a viable solution for testing
>within build tree (thus rebuilding the module/extensions); and I did
>see some projects to provide similar targets (some times called
>differently, e.g. nosetest, although 'test' sound better ).
>But it doesn't provide means for testing of already built/installed
>module.  Somewhat native approaches for this:
> * having module.test, so we could just 
>    python* -c 'import module; module.test()'

See above.

>   but that implies upstream willing to do so or our duty to hack it up
> * using 
>    nosetests module
>   but that is not guaranteed to work. Although nose's discovery is
> nice etc, project which is not 'nose aware'  might get all kinds of
>   side-effects while invoking tests this way.
>   on the other hand
>    nosetests --with-doctests ...
>   is very nice, but once again, some projects might not care about
>   doctests

So, I would personally let the upstream decide, and in fact make it their
responsibility to support the interface.  As I said, I'd put some good carrots
under their noses <wink> so that they'll *want* to support it, and I'd add
whatever is necessary to make it easy (i.e. improve doctest discovery).

Of course there's nothing preventing DPMT from adding those hooks.  I'm really
just proposing a common command line interface that Python modules and
applications are encouraged to support.

>So, altogether, all those approaches require all upstreams to agree
>upon the way things get tested... which I doubt would happen.

Well, as I said, if we make opinionated decisions, promote best practices, and
provide incentives, many -- and I think most -- will.  You're never going to
get everyone to do anything, but that's okay, they just won't get the big
shiny Happy Icon on Cheeseshop, etc.

>To account for heterogeneity among the projects why instead we just
>not agree upon few debian/rules targets, e.g.
>debian/rules test-available-*
> to run unittest battery (possibly with doctests and
> whatelse) with module.test() or
> nosetests or whatever upstream's native way.

I think that's fine too.  What I have in mind is really Debian (or actually
distro/platform) independent, so for example if snakebite really ever exists,
we could run the tests on all available platforms.  Then debian/rules would
usually just invoke 'python setup.py test' or 'python -m foo --test', but that
could be overridden for the outliers.

> Rule might need to 'cd debian' or some other directory to assure
> that local source tree is not the one getting tested.
> -* is there for a python version to be used ease test-* below
>debian/rules test-available
> to run against all supported python versions
>and, dependent on successful build
>debian/rules test-*
>  which possibly just adjust the PYTHONPATHS and call corresponding 
>  $(MAKE) test-available-$*
>debian/rules test
>  to test them all
>Then for the validation of the packages which could just use
>test-available and test targets within extracted source package

Sounds good to me!

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