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Re: python-central vs python-support

Joe Wreschnig <piman@sacredchao.net> writes:

> CDBS is not necessary; look at python-gst0.10's packaging. The versions
> it's built for is controlled entirely via a single Make variable, and it
> uses regular debhelper. This could be further refined to find all
> installed versions of Python at build time, and simplified because
> everything would be in the same binary package (so it wouldn't be
> limited by debian/control).

I never said CDBS's use should be enforced in the policy. But this tool
is used more and more, and even people in QA (which were mostly
reluctant to accept it) must agree this helped improving quality (see
how few people in the GNOME Team manage so many packages and transitions
more efficiently).

This said, CDBS is not The Final Packagingsystem, but could be eXtended
(;-) so as to provide a well tested class for the so many people already
using it. python-gst0.10 could be a good example, thanks for the advice.

> New tools aren't needed to make binNMUs easier, though they can do that
> too. A few policy changes (mostly what I outlined in my last mail) would
> be enough to do that with existing tools and minimal trouble.

I do agree, it is not necessary ; but would you object if continue using
it because i feel confortable with ? I see no problem in advertising
tools, as soon as nobody is obliged to use it.

> New tools
> are mostly needed to prevent rebuilding at all (by fixing
> byte-compilation issues).

That's _not_ true. CDBS is merely a collection of scriptlets and
associated rules over debhelper, itself a collection of scriptlets,
both providing well tested solutions to common problems. It is not just
a matter of rebuilding, but a matter of diminishing maintainer's silly
parts of the job and improving overhaul quality. In a certain ancient
time debhelper was uncommonly used and badly critized, with people even
rejecting to try it, now came the same time for CDBS...

This is coming quite out of topic. I just suggested to help providing a
class for people using this tool, *no more*.

Marc Dequènes (Duck)

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