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Re: timeline.debian.net updates

Hi Birger,

On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 06:41:23PM +0200, Birger Schacht wrote:
> Hi publicity-team,
> I realized a couple of days ago that timeline.debian.net is not
> up-to-date with the data in the git repository on salsa¹. It would be
> great if someone could roll out the additions of the last few months.

I have updated timeline.debian.net thanks!

> IMO the timeline would be a perfect candidate to automate this step by
> using salsas CI. This is either possible using the gitlab pages feature
> (though the URL would then be
> https://publicity-team.pages.debian.net/debian-timeline which is not as
> nice as https://timeline.debian.net) or, if the server where the files
> are served from allows this, we could also build the timeline using the
> CI and then let the CI push the built files to the server (thats how I
> deploy my website from gitlab.com).

The pages provided by https://timeline.debian.net are served by the Debian 
CDN, the same used by the Debian website and other sites like bits.debian.org
This means the website is always available and downloads fast.
 *.pages.debian.net is using salsa (GitLab pages), that doesn't 
have so much redundancy and has often downtime for maintenance and updates.

For publishing stuff in the Debian CDN, the deployment script need to be run
from a specific Debian host. So scheduling some automatic deployment would 
be possible and only require to be triggered from this host. 
However, this doesn't work very well with the current publicity workflow.
In the publicity team, we have all the repositories DD-writable and it's easy
for new contributors to get write access. We prefer allowing people to
commit directly, then review - and edit when needed - and publish.
This works well and personally I don't want to change it. 

So the best in the feature when you push for changes to timeline or any
other publicity repo is to ask in IRC for an update if they sites are not
updated by anyone after seeing your commit.

For people reading this far and interesting in contributing to the team,
I would like to take advantage to say that we don't use the merge requests 
or the issues tracker of salsa. We got both things with the migration from 
alioth to salsa, but they aren't part of any workflow and requires somebody
explicitely looking at it.
When you have a change, please commit directly (*) and when you have
to open a bug report use the pseudopackage "press" in the debian BTS.

(*) if it's something big, please create a branch :)


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