Fwd: Re: idea for a blog post for bits.d.o: "Debian 10 (Buster): perfect for JavaScript front-end development !"
updated after buster release, and with current versions of nodejs, npm and yarnpkg:
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Subject: Re: idea for a blog post for bits.d.o: "Debian 10 (Buster): perfect for JavaScript front-end development !"
Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 07:53:24 +0200
From: Paolo Greppi <paolo.greppi@libpf.com>
Reply-To: paolo.greppi@libpf.com
To: debian-publicity@lists.debian.org
On 28/02/19 12:39, Paolo Greppi wrote:
Hi !
I'd like to propose a blog post for bits.debian.org, to tell the world how good JavaScript support will be in Buster.
The purpose is to pull in some new users from the world of web and front-end developers.
I raised this is the js-team and it was well-received, see this message:
and its replies.
What are the Publicity Team views on this ?
Can we collaboratively put together a draft ?
What would be the best timing, and format ?
P.S. Please CC the pkg-javscript list so that the other members of the team can follow (and also because I'm not subscribed to debian-publicity)
Hello there, I have prepared a draft post, based on the comments from the other js team members.
It is meant to be published after the buster release.
where do I put it ?
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