Re: when would the gsoc winners list be announced ?
In-line :-
On 01/05/2018, Laura Arjona Reina <> wrote:
> Hello
Dear Laura,
Thank you for responding quickly.
> Yesterday I gathered the list of students and projects and I've just
> pushed an initial draft to the bits repo:
> it needs work (contributions welcome!) but I would like to publish the
> article on Wednesday or Thursday at most.
I just had a look and while I'm sure the points are probably in your
radar here goes nothing -
a. Give a two three line info. on each project.
b. Share the names of the mentors as well. AFAIK, this time it will be
2 mentors per project which would be unique, challenging and
interesting to see through.
c. Also link the names of the students with a profile or whatever.
d. At the time when GSOC ends, it might make for an interesting
article if one is able to see if there is any difference in stats for
students completing GSOC as that's the whole point.
If it helps, I could do the above in Wordpress and put the whole thing
as an attachment in a mail and send it to debian-publicity team .
I do have my alioth -guest credentials but it isn't clear as those
credentials are good enough or not or have to separately register ?
I am looking forward to seeing the SSO project happen soonish -
Design and implementation of a Debian SSO solution
Birger Schacht
> Cheers
> --
> Laura Arjona Reina
Looking forward to know.
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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