Re: when would the gsoc winners list be announced ?
El 01/05/18 a las 16:46, shirish शिरीष escribió:
> Dear publicity team,
> I am about to write an article which will indirectly mention the
> Debian GSOC participation and the 2 mentors experiment that Debian is
> under-taking for more success in GSOC as well as increase the
> bench-strength in the volunteer task force.
> I don't want to get any signals crossed, so would be nice to know when
> is the schedule to put it on or somewhere else so I
> could share the same.
Yesterday I gathered the list of students and projects and I've just
pushed an initial draft to the bits repo:
it needs work (contributions welcome!) but I would like to publish the
article on Wednesday or Thursday at most.
Laura Arjona Reina
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