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Re: Drafting announcement for shutting down ftp


El 08/03/17 a las 08:50, Bastian Blank escribió:
Hi folks

The mirror team and DSA would like to shutdown the ftp service for all
of our public mirrors somewhere before the end of the year.  We drafted
some announcement, but I have no idea if that would be appropriate and
where we need to announce that.

Please provide some insight.

I would go to a "traditional" announcement (to be sent by mail to debian-announce and published in www.debian.org/News). But if you prefer a more informal "tone", it can be published in https://bits.debian.org.

Feel free to commit your draft in



(with Status:draft)

and ping us to review or continue drafting it.

Despite of being www.debian.org/News or bits.debian.org, the topic would be mentioned also in DPN and micronews.

We would need a title, an approximate date of publishing, and I suggest structuring the information stating clearly the recommendations/clarifications for:

* Debian users (I guess that's the paragraph beginning "Please consider migrating..."), probably adding the two bits that Holger pointed out, if those are correct.

* Mirror maintainers (?)

* Debian developers (I guess that's the paragraph beginning "Internal services...")

A line at the beginning mentioning the main reasons for the shutdown (security concerns, easiness of maintenance...) may be useful at least for archive purposes, as Shirish said.


Laura Arjona


A lot of people have already done it, some will do it in the near future. So let's face it, it is time to terminate a service that we all have learned to love and hate --- our FTP servers.

All FTP servers for public facing debian.org services will be shut down on XXX 1, 2017. These are:

* ftp://ftp.debian.org
* ftp://security.debian.org

Please consider migrating to the following:

    deb http://deb.debian.org/debian          <codename-or-suite>         main ...
    deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security <codename-or-suite>/updates main ...

    # tor variant (requires apt-transport-tor)
    # deb  tor+http://vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion/debian          <codename-or-suite>            main ...
    # deb  tor+http://sgvtcaew4bxjd7ln.onion/debian-security <codename-or-suite>/updates    main ...

Internal services will not be affected. These are:

* ftp://ftp.upload.debian.org
* ftp://security-master.debian.org

If you have any concerns about this change, please contact mirrors@debian.org.

Laura Arjona Reina

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