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Re: Fund raising advertisement on the DPN

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Le 09/10/2011 16:14, Raphael Hertzog a écrit :
>>>> we must advertise the possibility to get it freed.

On Mon, 10 Oct 2011, David Prévot wrote:
>>> We (the Debian Project, I guess) must not do such thing: there are many
>>> ways to achieve freeness, and you didn't choose one the Debian project
>>> endorse for itself.

> Am 10.10.2011 20:36, schrieb Raphael Hertzog:
>> I don't think the Debian project endorses anything on the matter. The
>> Debian project is concerned about the result, not about how the free
>> work has been funded.

Le 02/11/2011 10:37, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl a écrit :
> I agree with Raphael here.  Debian informs (as said previously) neutral
> and objective about what's going on in the Debian universe.

Fair enough, but there is a huge difference between informing about an
existing (Debian quality) product one can buy and asking people to give
money to an individual (or a company) in order to pay that individual
(or company) to actually make the product.

Sorry, “asking people to give money” may not be politically correct,
let's say “informing people that they could help achieving a soon to be
free project, by suggesting them they could consider providing some money”.

> Apparently there is demand for Debian books

It's not as if none were already available [1] (maybe this page needs
update, and I'm pretty sure the @debian.org email addresses should be
avoided there as in consulting [2], hint for the doc team, web team or
any volunteer who could propose patches).

	1: http://www.debian.org/doc/books
	2: http://www.debian.org/consultants/info

> Okay, let's try it that way:  Do you, David, could think of a
> formulation, that you would find acceptable for the DPN?

It's not the formulation (the form) that I'm worried about, I'm strongly
opposed to the substance (the content) of a such nature announcement.

You already agreed within the press team to not relay such initiative
via a Debian press release (our DPL even “strongly objected” to it). The
DPN is not as formal as a press release, but I fail to understand why
strong objections already expressed by some current editors of the DPN
should be considered as arguable while it's OK to refuse when strong
objections are expressed within the press team.

As initially pointed in my first message on this subject, I think it was
a mistake to relay the initial market research [3], and being part of
the advertising fund raising campaign (or whatever politically correct
name one can invent to replace that) already flooding planet would make
Debian an accomplice of this marketing campaign, and as an active editor
of DPN, I would prefer veto on that.

	3: http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2010/09/#free

Please note that my veto doe not extend to announcing the availability
of the book when it will be released or offered as a Debian package (nor
does this statement makes a formal agreement to such future announcement).



P.-S.: “You may not advertise your WWW pages, or cause another person to
advertise it, by techniques that would be classified as abuse if they
were carried out from a Debian Account. This includes, but is not
limited to, bulk emailing and excessive news posting.”


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