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Re: Publicity help: Partners

On 5/12/99, 5:09:20 AM, "Nils Lohner" <lohner@debian.org> wrote:


> These are the main things I currently have on my 'todo' list.  If you 
> of any others, feel free to add them.

> - partners program (http://www.debian.org/partners)
>   This needs to get started, basically it needs someone to write 
emails and
> contact people from the various vendors who we currently work with.  
> mailing list for it is set up (an internal debian discussion list), 
and it
> is ready to go.


Nils et.al.,

I would like to volunteer to help develop the Debian Partners 
programs.  I believe that recognition of various hardware 
and software vendors could be extremely beneficial to Debian.
(normal caveats such as: if handled properly .. if it would
be beneficial to the partners AND us... etc etc ).

We are in a unique position where we do not "endorse" products,
however we do benefit from corporate participation, and
it is good practice to acknowledge the help companies provide.

I am proposing the following:

1.  Re-establishing the Debian Partners link on our main page.

    I seem to remember that at one time, the partners program
    was mentioned on our main www page.  We should be proud/
    supportive/actively engaged with those companies who
    are our partners.  

2.  Expansion of the Debian Partners pages.  

    These pages should explain just what the partners program 
    is, and how to become one. The mention of "my-company.com"
    on the Debian page, is a big BIG thing!  

    Remember that this is endorsement of their company by a 
    preeminent non-profit organization that is the driving 
    force in open source operating systems....US. 

    Many companies would give their first born for such 
    an opportunity.  We need to temper this with our 
    requirements/needs.  There needs to be an open 
    discussion of what companies we engage with.

    Perhaps we could structure the participation so that
    a company would only be mentioned for X time given Y.
    My thought is that the gift of one "fancy widget",
    would get ones company listed for Z months.  Else we
    will have someone donate a widget to Debian, and
    they could remain listed long after the widget is
    no longer useful/functional.

3.  Debian is looking for....sub-page.  This would be
    a good way of obtaining the un-obtainable. 

    As an example, lets say it would be useful to have
    access to "spiffy computer X" for development/testing.

    As it stands now, the Spiffy computer company might
    probably donate one, if only they knew of the need.

    Perhaps this falls under the catigory of: how can
    my company help support the Debian project....

These are just random thoughts.  I think that corporate
participation can be good for Debian.  All that needs to
be done is outline how we can successfully interact
with Corporate sponsors.

I am committed to the idea that Debian will become the 
Universal Operating platform.

I would appreciate feedback.


Jim Westveer <jwest@netnw.com>

The weather isn't bad here. It only rained twice last week;
the first time for three days and the second for four days.
Jim Westveer                       LAN Comp Systems
jwest@netnw.com                    14524 Issaquah-Hobart Rd
425-392-0141                       Issaquah, WA 98027 USA
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