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Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC

On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 02:44:41PM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> I am always sad and disheartened when this kind of threads erupt. And
> I can only imagine how this hurts people that cannot just sympathize
> with you, but suffer instead in their own bodies and lifes the
> discrimination. I am a believer of social change towards inclusiveness
> and acceptance, but it's a long and very gradual process.

I agree that inclusiveness and gradual growth and patience are really
important, and are the main way in which a project as wide as Debian can


We are talking about being on the receiving end of a steady stream of
"you don't belong here", "your identity is not valid", "you don't have a
right to exist",

Gradual growth and patience work in a community, if the people being
invalidated can rely on getting support, protection, and an affirmation
of their validity.

If we do *not* offer this, we *cannot* ask people for patience.

Otherwise, it would be (and it is) asking disempowered people to perform
on par with everybody else, while bearing the punches from the trolls,
while being patient with the confusion of the innocent, and while being
expected to politely and patiently educate the privileged ones.

It would be like, in a school, expecting that the kid who most gets
beaten up, be responsible for solving the bullying problem for everybody

The responsibility for a healty community, where everyone can feel
included and accepted, is nominally the responsibility of everyone in
the community. In practice, however, it is *primarily* the
responsibility of the people who are *in a position of privilege and
power* within that community.


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