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Re: Debian contributor Register of Interests

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 01:05:09PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>Jonathan Dowland writes ("Re: Debian contributor Register of Interests"):
>> I respect that, but I hope that those who are happy to add
>> themselves to the list as it stands are not dissuaded from doing so
>> (in my view, I'd happily see the shape of the list evolve and adapt
>> my entry to fit as necessary).
>TBH I now think this may be too much work.  I guess I will just write
>my own entry and we can see how it evolves.

I've just added my details, and added an extra column for "Notes",
e.g. how the Interest might intersect with Debian.

>> > The list should have a date at which the user's entry was last
>> > updated and signed off by them as complete.
>> The former can be inferred from the wiki page history.
>Well, it's a bit awkward.  And it just shows you the last edit, not
>the last time the user themselves thought it was up to date.

We can check for the last edit by the person in question, which should
cover that I hope!

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"I used to be the first kid on the block wanting a cranial implant,
 now I want to be the first with a cranial firewall. " -- Charlie Stross

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