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Re: "Do you want to mount the drive, 'cancel' or 'allow'?"

On Tue, 22 Sep 2015, Ian Jackson wrote:
> If you don't like systemd or policykit, why are you running them ?

There is and remains the problem that the current situation and 
working is not properly documented, nor can it be deduced from reading
config files under /etc, which was the case before the switch.

Before deriding people who have problems, we as DDs should accept that
what we ship now as default works in many cases, but when it does
*NOT* work, the user is in a very bad situation - as the system is
undocumented and intransparent and without documentation accessible
in an acceptable way.

I for myself as DD can say that I am one of the lucky ones as most
things work on my laptop, but I *can*not*help* (as DD!) anyone 
having problems with the whole policykit/systemd/whatever
conglomerate of programs.

That was probably not the best idea from a distributions point of view.

Now, everyone, go back to rant about users who cannot fix things 
themselves anymore - because only users who can are the first 
responsability of Debian.


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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