Re: The proper place to announce GRs (was Re: piece of mind (Re: Moderated posts?))
Le Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 08:58:22AM -0400, Miles Fidelman a écrit :
> Isn't the point of posting on debian-devel-announce to increase the
> visibility and liklihood of seconds in the first place?
Hi Miles,
according to, the purpose of
that list is the "Announcements of development issues like policy changes,
important release issues &c."
Its purpose is not to boost visibility of topics, in contrary it is the place
to display only topics that were already the most visible from the start.
I find it quite ironical that, after devastating the signal-noise ratio on
debian-devel and debian-project, some supporters of a init GR regret that they
missed the information, which whas cross-posted on this list.
Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
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