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Re: Feedback on your Whois system proposal - Was: Re: Review of personal information sources in Debian

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 10:38:10AM +0200, Olivier Berger wrote:

> I think Ohloh.net provides, for instance an interesting comparison to
> your proposal (see my profile for instance [0]). In case you didn't know
> it, I suggest to check its features for inspiration.

While I agree with most of what you said, I feel the need of a warning
before taking ohloh too seriously as an inspiration.

In my experience, ohlog has severe privacy issues: I once wrote them
saying that they were misrepresenting my work skills and politely asking
to please not show any information about my online persona, and they
basically replied telling me to fuck off. They didn't use the f word,
but they have been just as offensive.

We must not assume that, since there are public logs of VCSes or uploads
available for one's Debian work, then the person contributing to Debian
cannot have some reasonable objections on how that data is processed and
displayed, especially when processing changes the meaning of the data

For example, if I uploaded a package at 9pm yesterday, we can safely
assume I'm happy that the world knows that I uploaded a package at 9pm
yesterday. But we cannot, for example, assume that I also meant to
publish information about when I usually do Debian work, or when I'm
usually at home, or whether I like to do work or have fun during Italian
national holidays.

Similarly, if me and you commit patches to the same project, we don't
necessarily mean to tell the world that we are friends, or coworkers.

Suppose we had jobs at competing companies, and there were a nice page,
easy to find in Google, that said "enrico@magnets4u.com and
olivier@allaboutmagnets.com are friendly working together!" just because
we both commit to a software that's used by both our companies: first
thing, we'd be expecting a call from our bosses, which might or might
not be able to understand the logic of what's really going on.

Recklessly exposing too much information outside the context in which it
was published can in some cases turn people away from contributing. If
ohloh were actually being taken seriously by people in my professional
circle, I would probably have to consider going through the extra
trouble of not using my real identity while contributing to Free
Software. We do not want that.



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