Re: Fwd: Today the public review period for ADMS.F/OSS v0.3 began
Enrico Zini <> writes:
> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 02:25:13PM +0200, Olivier Berger wrote:
>> You may be interested in knowing that a draft of a vocabulary intended
>> to be used for describing software developped in forges, or listed in
>> catalogues has been published by a working group attached to the
>> European Commission (ISA programme), for review by the public.
>> I imagine it could well be used some day to publish metadata about
>> Debian distributions and or software packaged in Debian on the Semantic
>> Web (for instance to interlink records of an upstream software, some
>> user reviews, its debian packages, and other distributions', etc.).
> I'm sorry I don't have the time to participate personally, but should
> you need something to complement Trove categories, there are several
> facets in Debtags that are pretty well defined and useful.
FYI and for reference, your response has been pointed to from the
comments forum at :
> If you need anything debtags-related, you know where to find me: I hope
> I'll be able to respond in a timely manner.
We'll see how things are moving for the next steps of ADMS.F/OSS, but I
do hope interoperability with Debian metadata, like debtags will be one
of the ideas implementation-wise.
Thanks for the feedback.
Best regards,
Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)
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