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Re: Making mailing list discussions more viable (Re: Making -devel discussions more viable)

Le Wed, May 16, 2012 at 07:25:53PM -0400, Filipus Klutiero a écrit :
> Approaches can be heuristic (limits of 1 message per day, for
> example) or customized (for example, excluding a specific message).
> There can be hybrid approaches on that front too (excluding all
> messages from a specific user).

Hello everybody,

The R posting guide has also intersting guidelines, such as:

  When responding to a very simple question, use the following algorithm:
    - compose your response
    - type 4*runif(1) at the R prompt, and wait this many hours
    - check for new posts to R-help; if no similar suggestion, post your response
      (This is partly in jest, but if you know immediately why it is suggested,
      you probably should use it! Also, it's a nice idea to replace 4 by the number
      of years you have been using R or S-plus.)



Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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