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Re: How about using national flags instead of text in debian.org?


* Hyun-Gwan Seo <westporch@gmail.com> [2012-02-05 09:10:53 CET]:
> How about using national flags?
> I think that national flags are much more helpful and eidetic than text.

 Flags represent nations and not language.  Having the German flag for
the German language is mildly insulting for myself because I am from
Austria.  Also, the same issue applies for a big amount of other areas.

> If you don't understand my suggestion, please visit following websites.
> http://www.red5server.org/

 Why should a brit click on the US flag?

> http://gambas.sourceforge.net

 Why should an american click on the british flag?

 Please also read this posting, and following links from there to
understand the issue:


Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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