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Re: [DEP-5] [patch] License table: more links and licenses.

On la, 2010-08-14 at 16:58 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> After looking at http://spdx.org/licenses/, I realise that the very
> existence of a license list in DEP-5 is in question (not in this thread).
> However, since I had a version of the DEP with a more comprehensive use
> of web links for licenses, I propose the attached patch anyway.

Actually, I am starting to think that maintaining a long list of license
shortnames in DEP-5, many of which refer to rarely used licenses, is
perhaps too much effort. Since the list really should be shared with
other projects (SPDX and Fedora especially), it would perhaps make most
sense to refer to it instead of incorporating it in the spec.

I would, however, keep a short list of shortnames for the versioned
licenses in /usr/share/common-licenses (excluding BSD, plain GFDL, plain
GPL, plain LGPL, plain Artistic): Apache-2.0, GFDL-1.2, GFDL-1.3, GPL-1,
GPL-2, GPL-3, LGPL-2, LGPL-2.1, LGPL-3.

What do others think?

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