DEP: commit rights to dep repositories on alioth
Currently, the dep project on alioth (which can be used to host DEP
texts on $VCS) allows commits by any DD, but not guest accounts. The
question has arisen whether to allow commits by guests. Doing so would
allow basically anyone to start a new DEP, or, more importantly, to
change existing ones.
We, the original proposers for the DEP process, feel opening the
repository to everyone would carry too much risk. Instead we propose
that either each driver team include at least one DD, who does the
actual commits to the dep repository as the draft gets changed, or the
DEP draft gets maintained elsewhere and merged by a DEP0 driver (or any
volunteer DD) into the dep repository when it has been accepted, or at
major milestones during its development. In the latter case, the dep
repository would contain a pointer to the actual location of the
DEP-in-development until it has been finalized.
Rationale: DEP texts are not the places were to frantically _develop_
franticly the actual DEP, but just places where to record the state of
the art of the proposal, as it has been agreed upon by other means
(e.g., consensus on mailing list, as we usually do). In the same vein,
the drivers should usually act just as secretaries for a given proposal
and it doesn't look like that wide commit access rights are needed to
that end.
What do other people in the project think?
Lars Wirzenius, Stefano Zacchiroli, Adeodato Simó
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