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Re: Mentions of non-free (Re: FSF not considering Debian as Free)

Filipus Klutiero wrote:
>> > Translated to the current way things are done, this means that 
>> according  > to Richard, the Debian website or Debian refer to the 
>> existence of the  > non-free component in a way that suggests getting 
>> non-free software from  > there.
>> >
>> > I'm very curious what part of the website or Debian would be doing 
>> this  > for years, but I guess someone could ask Richard.
>> non-free is mentioned on packages.debian.org
> Does the mentions suggest getting software from there?

There are download links, aren't they?  Don't they suggest getting the
software from there?

>> non-free is mentioned in release documentation
> Does the mentions suggest getting software from there?

Don't the release documentatino contain notices on how to tweak apt or
the installer to install non-free software?

>> non-free is mentioned during the installer for users to add (I think)
> It's not mentioned normally at least. Is it mentioned in expert installs?

The installer provides a menu option to import non-free firmware from
arbitrary media (good work btw.!).



Of course, I didn't mean that, which is why I didn't say it.
What I meant to say, I said.              -- Thomas Bushnell

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