Re: Updated Debian Developers Keyring
Luk Claes <> writes:
> Adeodato Simó wrote:
>> * Joey Schulze [Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:01:23 +0200]:
>>> Anthony Towns wrote:
>>>> vanicat
>>>> Added key: 9EBC79C5CECE61149C26FBD84669AAFCD09E8C0B
>>>> vdanjean
>>>> Added key: E71009150981FCD28A0BCA657EC8E2E36CC838D5
>>> Do we now allow people who don't provide their realname to upload
>>> packages?
>> Uh? The listing you quoted doesn't include their names, but you can of
>> course read them in db.d.o, getent, or the keyring.
>> (The reason why the listing didn't include the names is, I presume,
>> because the code to generate it was different, and not prepared for
>> that, as opposed to the names not being available.)
> It looks more logical to assume that these are existing DDs where a key
> was added... (so we should already know their real names ;-)) while the
> others are new DDs...
I confirm that I and Vincent Danjean have keys in the keyring for some
time now. I cannot say for others on this list, but I believe it's the
Rémi Vanicat
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