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debian.ch annual meeting

Hi all!

Monday saw the second annual meeting of debian.ch, the legal representation 
of the Debian project in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

The main activities in 2006 were a BSP and two very informal let's-have-a- 
beer meetings, the former being generously supported by ch/open and Google.  
Our bank account contains a bit more than CHF 2000.--  (which we consider 
to be fully owned by the Debian project - all expenses are subject to 
approval of the DPL.)

In the future we plan to continue and, time permitting, expand our 
activities.  Already known: another BSP in Zürich [0] is in planning 
(organized by Gürkan Sengün and Mario Iseli) on January 12./13. 2008.

Organisationally, we changed our bylaws a bit.  The highlight is that every 
DD or DM can now join the debian.ch association (signed email to 
info@debian.ch, please), and non-DD/DM people can be proposed by debian.ch 
members for membership (the next full assembly will then decide on their 
membership.)  However, we'll not give out debian.ch email addresses, nor 
does a debian.ch member get any special privileges other than an invitation 
email to the next full assembly (to be held probably in January 2009) and, 
of course, voting rights at said assembly.

The board of debian.ch remains unchanged with Daniel Bauman as treasurer, 
Martin F. Krafft as chair and myself as secretary.

The minutes of the meeting are on debian.ch/doc/protokoll-2007.txt (German) 
and the revised bylaws on debian.ch/statuten.pdf (also in German.)

So long
-- vbi

[0] http://wiki.debian.org/BSP/ch/2008-01

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