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Re: Debian Maintainers

On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 12:45:54AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 10:44:29PM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> > Please follow your own rules. Thanks.
> Besides, and with a sharp different tone, if Debian Maintainers are a
> reality now ... 

It's not yet; remaining holdups are:

	- only one non-DD beta-tester to shake out bugs; I'd prefer
	  two before announcing or having any uploads I'm not willing
	  to personally take responsibility for

	- debian-maintainer keyring uploads aren't processed
	  automatically, mean that, in effect, only ftpmaster is able
	  to change the keyring

I've been more low-key (and hesitant) about implementing this than
I would've liked to have been in order to try to avoid offending the
people who're worried about this, but I should probably have expected
those to find fault with this no matter what happens anyway.

For amusement's sake, correlating GR votes with respondents in this
thread up until now:

        V: 1-                js Jonas Smedegaard
        V: 12               don Don Armstrong
        V: 12              zack Stefano Zacchiroli
        V: 12             joeyh Joey Hess
        V: 12            killer Kalle Kivimaa
        V: 12           hertzog Raphael Hertzog

        V: 21                he Marc Brockschmidt
        V: 21               faw Felipe van de Wiel
        V: -1              acid Julien Danjou
        V: -1             bartm Bart Martens
        V: 21             joerg Joerg Jaspert
        V: 21            schizo Clint Adams
        V: -1          madcoder Pierre Habouzit

> Point is, right now nobody knows DM can be used practically.

To be clear, it can't. It's in final beta-testing. 

Developers who are interested can monitor it by examining the projectb
database (on ries if you have access, or on merkel otherwise), eg:

Packages with Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes and corresponding allowed uploaders:

    SELECT S.source, S.version, M.name 
      FROM src_uploaders U JOIN source S ON (U.source = S.id) 
           JOIN maintainer M ON (U.maintainer = M.id);

          source          |   version    |                name                
 debtorrent               |      | Cameron Dale <camrdale@gmail.com>
 a7xpg                    | 0.11.dfsg1-2 | Miriam Ruiz <little_miry@yahoo.es>
 gunroar                  | 0.15.dfsg1-2 | Miriam Ruiz <little_miry@yahoo.es>
 tumiki-fighters          | 0.2.dfsg1-1  | Miriam Ruiz <little_miry@yahoo.es>
 apt-transport-debtorrent | 0.1.1        | Cameron Dale <camrdale@gmail.com>
 torrentflux              | 2.3-5        | Cameron Dale <camrdale@gmail.com>

Recognised DM uploaders:

    SELECT U.uid, U.name, F.fingerprint 
      FROM uid U JOIN fingerprint F ON (F.uid = U.id)
     WHERE U.uid like 'dm:%';

           uid           |     name     |               fingerprint          
 dm:fboudra@free.fr      | Fathi Boudra | CEE06509A9D42D28D2573EA88CF535F6...
 dm:little_miry@yahoo.es | Miriam Ruiz  | AA46F4F2BD5975A4EE4282237DB96D2E...
 dm:camrdale@gmail.com   | Cameron Dale | FF0784FEE439DA85CAF1EA950F1F76E2...

(fingerprints trimmed by hand at 80 characters)

Sources currently in the archive uploaded by DMs:

    SELECT S.source, S.version, S.install_date, U.uid 
      FROM source S JOIN fingerprint F ON (S.sig_fpr = F.id) 
           JOIN uid U ON (F.uid = U.id) 
     WHERE U.uid like 'dm:%';

   source    | version |      install_date      |          uid          
 torrentflux | 2.3-5   | 2007-10-23 00:00:00+00 | dm:camrdale@gmail.com
 torrentflux | 2.3-4   | 2007-10-21 00:00:00+00 | dm:camrdale@gmail.com
 debtorrent  | | 2007-10-19 00:00:00+00 | dm:camrdale@gmail.com

Those queries should continue to work once the system's out of beta.


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