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On 10/16/06, Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org> wrote:
> Seems like a good idea. I guess that would involve posting news items
> about discussions on the MLs as well, as that is something DWN does
> and Debian Times doesn't (yet).

Be welcome to write such news items.

I guess that several things need to be done:
1) Publicise the Times a bit more; I would guess there are many more
DWN subscribers than Times readers
2) Make the procedure for submissions a bit more clear: DWN is simply
dwn(at)debian(dot)org; is DebianTimes simply the publicity list?
3) Possibly get some sort of team together (if there isn't one
already) to work on reporting regularly. (If such team exists/is
formed count me in :)


Andrew Donnellan
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