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Re: Call for a new DPL mediation ... This will be the only thread i will reply to in the next time about this issue.

Manoj Srivastava wrote:
        It is also very upsetting when technical discussions
 immediately escalate into insults, distortion of motivation,
 accusations of wanting to hurt Debian, or the users, of being hide
 bound in pride and stupidity, having agendas that smack of
 discrimination, power grabs, or worse -- all the while actively
 casting impediments in actually finding a working solution by
 drowning the technical discussion in polemics and ad hominems and
 casting to apportion blame before looking at the technical issues.
 Add to it argument from extremes, bug severity inflation, and
 constant little pin pricks that make it impossible to collaborate, I
 would think that some times, it is better to reject contributions if
 the net contributions decrease due to the presence of one person.
Agreed. The trouble being that we have no formal processes or hard metrics for these problems.
        Rubbish. Debian has always been far more than a cold, harsh,
 faceless  corporate entity with no social presence.  Technical
 excellence does mitigate a lack of social graces, but there are
 limits to how much disruption is to be tolerated.  Where you have
 social interactions, and you have politics, you have subjective
 social politics.
I respectfully disagree. In my experience corporations are rarely cold, harsh and faceless in their internal structure. Rather, they are most often a continually embattled mass of people fervently trying to displace one and other in order to increase their standing in the organization. It is only with rare excellent management and strong leadership that you see for-profit organizations where technical excellence comes before personality and influence. I agree that there are limits and Debian has only recently begun to define those limits.

Sven's case seems to stand in rather sharp contrast to Ted Walther's.
        We have, by and large, despite the cat-calls about cabals from
 the peanut gallery, managed to make broad decisions rationally.  I
 don't think we are all in a vast conspiracy to gang up on a fine
 contributor without actually looking at the broad picture and the net
 results of his presence or absence on a team.
I agree but we must focus on results. I'm afraid of Debian becoming some painfully polite court where people are forever trying to score points on one and other by faulting their manners. Keeping things friendly is critical and etiquette can be a very effective method of intimidating people. Technical results should be of at least equal import to social considerations. After all, we're a volunteer OS not a volunteer international vacation club.

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