Re: New policy for
On Sun, Jan 16, 2005 at 06:35:49PM +0000, MJ Ray wrote:
> I dislike the "nearest big city" idea, though. I live and
> work in an area with a small city nearby and then four bigger
> cities surrounding me. Most of my work comes from the nearest
> and furthest of those cities. Grouping by English region or
> county also splits me from them, but customers seem to check
> neighbouring areas. I'm not sure why they only check one city
> listing, but that's what seems to happen, as far as I can tell.
I would also have problems with appointing the "best" city for
a commercial match. For us (in Belgium), Belgium (the country)
would be a far better match than any city (and why not use
"state"or US based business ?).
So my suggestion is to replace "close big city" with
"description of your region" (and than everyone can choose
if that is "Ottawa" or "Northern California" or "Leuven"
or "Europe").
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