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Re: http://forums.debian.net in beta

On 2004-09-14 21:08:19 +0100 Intense Red <intnsred@debianhelp.org> wrote:

debianHELP has been around since 2Q/3Q 2000. The decision was made at that time to put all content of the site under the GFDL. This is explained in the Site FAQ <http://www.debianhelp.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=1#4>.

This FAQ is beligerant, argumentative and seems outright wrong in places (such as the FDL being a modified GPL). It also needlessly FUDs the Debian consensus about the FDL. Its style is confused: GFDL but not GGPL?

In today's posts, IntnsRed portrays debian's long contemplation of the FDL as some sort of implicit endorsement of it, and the eventual consensus as a sudden U-turn. This seems a very odd view to me.

Looking elsewhere on the site, debianHELP still contains the MPL misreporting from earlier in the summer, posted by a user who threatened me with physical violence in posts on another site. I was then told that his computer was hijacked, so I'm not sure why the posts are still on debianHELP.

Avoid debianHELP for now. It's too heavy on the militant and too lax on the FREE. Nothing submitted to the site is free software or can form part of free software. So much for "we're strong believers in the concept of free software". Hopefully they will fix it sooner than IntnsRed currently plans. Option 2 (change licence for new content) seems the way to go, gradually reducing the proportion of the site afflicted by the bug, rather than Option 3 (wait for current site to die) that continually increases it. Other things could also work towards fixing the bug, such as putting "relicense my posts" buttons on user profile pages.

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
 Creative copyleft computing - http://www.ttllp.co.uk/
http://www.thewalks.co.uk stand 13,Lynn Carnival,12 Sep

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