Re: Some Comments on Sexism in #debian
Mike Beattie wrote:
> I'll only apologise to those that are unable to take such things with
> a grain of salt.
No need to apologise, really.
The talk was probably intended to be amusing and the overall tone was
light-hearted. But I want you to realize that this puts people off.
I even felt like walking out of the talk. So did people like Mako or
Enrico, as they both told me later, IIRC.
On a side note, other real life examples.
- At Debconf @ Toronto, BDale used grannies as examples of the worst
kind of clueless users Debian should aim at. Susan happens to be a DD
and a grannie, so he stood corrected, but refused my proposal to use
Bush as an example for that :-)
- On a talk at Madrid, Miguel de Icaza who is a close friend of mine
BTW, used female secretaries as examples of clueless users.
Again I am not angry, not accusing anyone. I only want to point out the
kind of discourse that we all have to avoid in order to be more gender
.''`. Yo también estaba en esos trenes. I was also on those trains
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.4.20 Ext3)
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