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Bug#210879: Reopen: revise odd language in 'constitution.txt' -- "K Developers" ... "not integers"

On 22 Oct 2003, at 18:53, MJ Ray wrote:

> New data does not necessarily translate to new information. 

Yeah.  And it also depends on the "translator". A man shouldn't try to critique 
grammar in his third language unless he's quite a linguist and there's nobody 
else available.  I have doubts about trying to do the same in one's second 
language; take Manoj, dynamic Indian immigrant, who flavors an online resume 
with buzzwords like "proactive" and "architect" (as a verb!).  Then again maybe 
Anglais is MS third or fourth language, I dunno. Certainly are confident, these 

Then there's modern style reading comprehension and interpretation in one's 
native tongue.  In a world of jargon and technobabble, being a "symbolic 
analyst" pays, and needs a hazing ritual to boot, and reboot.  Meaning 
shmeaning, I refu$e to under$tand you if you won't u$e the $pecial term$.  It'$ 
very important to be $pecial.  

And there's a "sound bite" attitude about time and leisure here.  Length as 
sin.  Tick tick tick, our poor lives are wasting away reading, money's time, 
we're getting bald online,  man the tool maker checks his watch.  

> If you wish to develop the point further, please do so elsewhere before
> reopening the bug with a summary. 

Why this "if you wish" and "please do so" insincere courtesy?  Who is it FOR?  
The recurring message here is "shut up and go away"... you pretend to be 
liberal, and maybe even wish or like to imagine you are liberal, (liberal as in 
generous, not the political 'ism'), but it's all repetition of the same thing.  
"Go awaaaayyyy..."  

> The BTS is not a good place to speculate about developer actions.

Not 'developer actions' in general, a weasely phrase, I don't care what he's up 
to elsewhere as such.  About actions in the BTS.  Here.     

Is there is a foreordained place to hash this over.  Where?  What fair 
authority will fix this for me?  The BTS guy?  He's already posted, and 
conflict makes him fret and return to his bunker till the shooting stops -- 
later there's no time to look back at scary problems.  The Project Secretary?  
Hmm, don't think so.  "Go awaaaayyyy...."  

Protest is where you find it, those who hate it the most are probably the ones 
who need it the most.`  

> I note that you continue attacking your guesses at Manoj's opinions in spite
> of the request to stop. 

"you continue attacking your guesses"?  Odd typo.  You zapped off a reply only 
a half hour after my post.  Recently I found this web site with links to 
articles about how to write good crit, put together some Dale Carnegie wannabe 
of the Linux scene**.  One article had an OK tip:  

	"there's no rule that says you have to respond to all mail in any 
         given period of time. You can always take a break from reading it 
         for a while, especially while you're in the middle of designing or 
         coding something big."


(** The page was: http://mjr.towers.org.uk/links/writing_style.html 
    Seen it?)

Not "continue ... in spite of"; because stopping is a bad request.  A request 
to help you in whitewashing blacklisting.  

MS is wrong either way.  If he doesn't read it and closes it, that's wrong.  If 
he ignores questions of whether or not he's read it, that's wrong.  The latter 
is what you're an admitted apologist for.  That's wrong too.  

> I think discussion is over. 

Fantasy.  It never began, you haven't said much of anything new, (except for 
championing the class struggle, then Manoj the me-firster, that's eerie), just 
more of repeating the other boys.  

Lookie, "discussion is over" has 6840 Google usenet hits, usually as a squelch. 
Angry cliches tell stories, here's a handful of moaners in the mood:   

	the discussion is over, because no one is arguing that your claim to ...

	You're a day late, troll. The discussion is over. (not that you're here to
	actually discuss anything)

	If that's the case, then the discussion is over as 
	far as I'm concerned.

	this discussion is over until you become more educated in reality.

	now that you've called me a liar again, the discussion is over.

	as far as I'm concerned the discussion is over.

	I sense that this discussion is over because I do not discuses 
	anything with morons mongoloids.

	jumping to self-serving conclusions than you are at understanding 
	Shakespeare. I'm sorry, but this discussion is over.

	you missed your chance and the discussion is over,

	It should be destroyed, IMHO. Then the discussion is over.

	You're a nut-case. This discussion is over, dummy.

	you seem more interested in insults than science, 
	my part of the discussion is over.

	This discussion is over, now go away.

	This so-called discussion is over.

	This discussion is over, sarge. You're dismissed.

etc.!  Students of vituperation and cliche may also appreciate Googling for 
'"mother's basement" OR "parent's basement"'.

Moral:  "The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea."

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