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Help with yaboot configuration


I have a B&W G3 which I have upgraded to 1G RAM.  It also has an Adaptec SCSI controller I added to use with a 32G LVD SCSI disk.  It also has the original SCSI 9G SCSI disk on which I've been able to install OSX 10.4.2, initially.

It has since upgraded to 10.4.11, if that is useful to know.

I have booted both Ubuntu and Debian Linux from CD and installed both, at different times, on the 32G disk.  Currently I have Ubuntu 14.4 installed.

The problem is that the Adaptec controller is not recognized by OpenFirmware and so the system cannot boot directly to it.

I was working with NetBSD 9 for a while and with the proper setup, I could load the kernel from the known 9G disk and have it set root to the second drive.

I would like to do the same or similar with Linux but have so far not been able to figure out how to do this.

I have probably copied more to the 9G disk than really needed but even so, it fails.  I have recreated the contents of /boot on the OSX disk, including symlinks.  I start from OF with the command:

    boot  /pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/scsi@4/@0:6,/yaboot

This generates an error about invalid partition type and a boot prompt.  I then try, at yaboot's boot prompt:

    /pci@80000000/pci-bridge@d/scsi@4/@0:6,/boot/vmlinux root=/dev/sda3

The kernel prints a bunch of normal type lines, then panics because it can't find the root device.  It also reports a list of partitions it can find.  The only disks are the ram disk (partitions 0-15) and sr0.

This looks like it is missing drivers for the SCSI cards, but the CD kernel had no problems and I thought the kernel placed on sda3 would have them also.  That kernel is what I copied to the 9G disk.

Any suggestions on how to do this correctly?



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