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glibc recompile - optimized for G5 cpu target

This has been playing in my mind for a while and wondering if i could get some feedback from others.

I assume glibc typically available in the Debian repo's has been compiled for a generic ppc32 target and the ricer in me wants to try and extract some more performance.

If i were to recompile glibc and target it for a G5 cpu with optimizations (i.e. o3, altivec, etc, etc), do you think there could be much benefit in terms of improved general performance and responsiveness of a typical desktop install of Debian on PPC?

Perhaps this is more a question of is the latest gcc available in Debian testing able to improve performance of glibc if compiled specifically for G5 target (-n32 i assume) instead of a generic ppc32 target (which i assume is typically what Debian packages are compiled for).

I have found a guide which obviously was originally for intended for x86, but could be a starting point as an experiment for myself.
Link below:

I realize this is pretty risky and i stand a good chance of hosing my install but just wondering if others had some experience attempting this possibly before i waste my time.

Just as equally as i stand a chance of hosing my install, i guess it can also perform worse than or be unstable. Who knows?

I know, this is more a Gentoo thing and unsupported (just as unsupported as custom kernels on Debian). Looking for advice if you think this is worthwhile! At minimum, it would be a good learning experience for myself.


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