Re: Configure power button to shutdown
I asked a friend very familiar with Apple hardware [ ] and he
"you can map the On/off button it has already functions like sleep/awake, but
no[t] on older machines [like the G4].. "
So he thinks it's not possible; I would add that if it were, by chance, you
could trigger this within deep functionality of open firmware or the boot-
JB bei
pub 2048R/71E92172 2013-11-28 [expires: 2014-08-25]
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On Friday 02 January 2015 13:34:10 Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am using an old mac mini powerpc G4 for UPnP server (minidlna), no
> mouse, no keyboard plugged in. What I would like is a simple way to
> shutdown cleanly the box (if my laptop is around I can ssh + shutdown
> it)...
> - What is the event triggered when I press the power button ?
> - How do I map this event to `pbbuttonsd` action ?
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