Re: Bug#252247: kernel-patch-powerpc: please include the pmdisk patch
On Mit, 02 Jun 2004, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > please include the pmdisk patch, currently maintained by Guido
> > > Guenther, in kernel-patch-powerpc.
> >
> > Can you provide a direct pointer, please? Preferrably to a patch that
> > you have tested yourself?
i've here an iBook G4, with ATI 9200+ graphics board. The patch works great,
but in my X session the colors are broken after resume. When i restart X
everything is normal again. Looks like the color-table is broken. (i use 16
bit color depth, so i'm wondering, and raedonfb is static compiled into the kernel.
Is there a trick to correct the colors? or an Xfree86 config? (i use the
latest xfree86 from debian unstable)
mfG Florian Reitmeir
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