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Request for Kernel Patch to eliminate Retroactive Temporal Filesave Malfunction

What is a Retroactive Temporal Filesave Malfunction, or RTFM for short? Well, it's a well-known scientific fact that there is an emergent property of the IDE standard as implemented on most computers (and this is shared with SCSI) which affects the flow of time. It's all to do with relativity.

As you all know, computers have a powerful effect on the local flow of time : it appears to flow much slower to anyone in physical contact with one, even if this contact is only via a joystick or gamepad and - this is important - _even if the computer isn't switched on_ . How many hours have you blissfully spent up to your elbows in parts, while the rest of the family scream at you to come and get your tea? There you go, then.

Now, this particular property of the IDE standard works, very roughly, thus: the act of backing up sensitive data once in a while creates an anomaly in the local timeflow. It has been suggested that this somehow results from the flow of data back down the cable along which it was originally restored triggering a reversal of a discrete element of space-time. This discrete element is almost inevitably (99 times out of 100) the backup process itself, and the paradoxal consequence is that the act of backing up sensitive data causes a space-time hiccup in which the data is irretrievably lost. This rarely occurs more than 24-48 hours before the backup, which as a consequence *now has never taken place.*

It may be a problem of accumulated potential being flushed out by the massive transfer of data, as it has been proved that regular and frequent backups reduce the occurrence and severity of the phenomenon drastically.

However, it has also been postulated that by implementing a patch which consists of bypassing the Limited and Unsatisafctory Safeguard Eradication Routines (LUSERs) in the kernel, this problem can be overcome once and for all. With the forthcoming stabilisation of sarge, this kernel mod is really terribly overdue and I cannot but urge Mr Herrenschmidt and his colleagues to give this problem their utmost priority.

Rose Humphrey
Disclaimer: Any person or persons suffering from acute Sense Of Humour Failure after reading this message should consult the nearest brick wall :p

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