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airport problem on ibook2


I've been struggling with my Ibook2/airport setup for 3 days; with no
luck up to now. Here's my /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

iface eth1 inet dhcp
        wireless_essid "rover"
        wireless_mode Managed
        wireless_ap any
        wireless_nick "EricIbook"
        wireless_key <40bit-key> [1] key <128bit-key> [2] key [2] open

For some reason (please don't ask why 8) I have to use two keys
(site-specific), hence the last wireless_key line. 

My problem is: <ifup eth1> launches pump that keeps trying and
eventually fails. <ifup eth1> returns the error message "operation

My kernel is 2.4.20-ben5 (Wireless Extension version 14) and
wireless-tools-25-2 (Wireless Extension version 15). iwconfig warns me
about the two different versions but I'm not this is where my problem
come from.

Any ideas?


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