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booting from hard disk of rs6000 43p 150


I'm trying to get my rs6k to boot from the hard disk again....

Here is my setup:

Debian Unstable with custom built tools and kernel from MVista rsync.

I have a tftpboot kernel which works with boot net.
I want to use this kernel to boot from the disk.  I have copied
it to my root directory of my rs6k. ie. /zImage.chrp-rs6k

I have four scsi devices in this box. 1 cdrom and three disks.  I believe
/dev/sda corresponds to scsi id 4   Cat /proc/scsi/scsi shows them as id
3,4,5,6 (cdrom,disk1, disk2, disk3).
I hope the ids are likewise and not something weird like in sparc where id3
is "0" at boot time or something
like that.

I have three partitions, sda1 is / and linux native, sda2 is type 41 marked
bootable, sda3 is swap

At the boot prompt (accessed via F8), I have tried the following things and
none of them work:

Try 1:
setenv boot-file /zImage.chrp-rs6k
setenv boot-device /pci@80000000/scsi@10/sd@4
boot hd

Try 2:
setenv boot-file /zImage.chrp-rs6k
setenv boot-device /pci@80000000/scsi@10/sd@4:1,/zImage.chrp-rs6k
boot hd

Try 3:
setenv boot-file /zImage.chrp-rs6k
setenv boot-device hd:4
boot hd

Other things of note:
I can get the cdrom to spin up (but it will not boot a debian ppc cd) if I
say "boot cdrom", or if I change the 4 to a 3 in
the above setenv lines.  I think this proves the scsi line and id is

Also, where is a document which describes the commands of the boot
interpeter?  The command help does nothing.


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