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Re: scaling cpu frequency on new ibook 2.2?

> Does this only work for 2.2 ibooks or also for the ibook2?

Generally, this works on all iBooks2.

I would try it with Minimum and maximum speed.

case "$2" in
  # GER: Setzt bei Netzbetrieb die Maximalgeschwindigkeit
  # ENG: Set the maximum speed at AC-Power
  echo -n "0%100%100%performance" > /proc/cpufreq
  # GER: Man kann das auch so machen:
  # ENG: Another way to achieve this is:
  # cat /proc/sys/cpu/0/speed-max > /proc/sys/cpu/0/speed
  # GER: Setzt bei Akkubetrieb die Minimalgeschwindigkeit
  # ENG: Set the minimum speed at Battery-Power
  echo -n "0%0%0%powersave" > /proc/cpufreq
  # GER: Man kann das auch so machen:
  # ENG: Another way to achieve this is:
  # cat /proc/sys/cpu/0/speed-min > /proc/sys/cpu/0/speed

A good tutorial on the cpu-speed can be found here:

Or have a look at:

bye, claas

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