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Re: Kernel help for newbie

On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 03:50:32PM -0600, Derek Hall wrote:
> I am rather new to *nix so maybe I am overlooking something obvious....
> I have a PM 7600 running Debian (kernel 2.2.15) on which I am attempting to
> update the kernel.  I have tried both rsyncing benh's latest source (for
> 2.4.19 I think) and downloading his pre-complied 2.4 oldworld Powermac
> kernel.  The problem is that even after replacing vmlinux and System.map in
> /boot (and installing the modules) upon reboot it still tells me I am
> running 2.2.15. I have tried replacing the actual files as well as just
> making symlinks in /boot to the new kernel and System.map.
> Compiling the source gave no errors but installing that resulting vmlinux
> and System.map seemingly had no effect either (did a uname -a and it still
> said 2.2.15 pre 19 (or something like that))
> I am booting the machine via floppy using miBoot.  Do I have to replace the
> zImage file on the miBoot floppy? If so how do I make a new zImage from my
> new kernel? I had this idea as you do need to point BootX to the correct
> kernel after an update, for example.

Yes, that's your problem. It's using the kernel on the floppy.

I'm pretty sure the zImage for a 2.4 kernel won't fit on a floppy. We had 
to increase the size of our floppy image for the new-powermac flavor to 2.88M, 
and I don't think there's any real floppy drives for the Mac that size.

You would either need to use BootX, or set up quik on this machine. Setting 
up quik may be a bit tricky, because probably your OpenFirmware I/O goes
to the modem port rather than keyboard and screen.

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