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Re: wireless configuration problem

invalid frag:0

Is this a clear sign that my network password is incorrect? I'm using:
   up iwconfig eth1 enc s:password

As already has been said in a earlier post, you have to get the actual WEP key. You cant use the password apple uses (from which they calculate the WEP key somehow). You can get the WEP key with the apple aiport configuration utility by enabling the correct option.

For me (128 bit encryption) this is a 26 digit number. For 45 bit encryption it was a smaller number.

Very convenient is the (undocumented?) option to put the following line in your /etc/network/interfaces:

noauto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
wireless_key herecomesyour26digitkey

Then you dont have to manually iwconfig. A simple ifup is enough.


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