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Re: kernel: make config for ibook2


On Wednesday, December 5, 2001, at 03:47  AM, Michel Dänzer wrote:
I have used make config and recompiled benh's kernel for my ibook 2.

However, after booting up, the keyboard wasn't working. Does anyone knows
the kernel options that are responsible for making the keyboard works?

Assuming you are running woody and/or sid, you most likely need to
disable CONFIG_MAC_ADBKEYCODES. As a workaround, you can pass
keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1 to the kernel

AFAIR the disabling CONFIG_MAC_ADBKEYCODES is considered the workaround and keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1 is the solution.

However, Chu, you did not write that "wasn't working" means: Doesn't it work at all or do you get a very weird keymap? If you have a completely non-functional keyboard, you need to include support for ADB input devices in your kernel (the keyboard appears as ADB device, the Trackpad as a USB device). If you have the weird keymap, adding keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes=1 to the kernel parameters (a good place to do that is /etc/yaboot.conf).

I ran into the same problem, and adding this line fixed it for me.


PS: Sorry Michael for getting this mail twice - I didn't see that the list server does not set the reply-to: to the list address.

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