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Re: p-server 640 debian install questions

On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 01:28:33PM +0000, Tom Gall wrote:

> Debian probably won't work tho, especially if they still have the cache line bug
> in their glibc.

is this bug fixed in mainline 2.2.3 ?  if so then woody will work
fine.  potato has glibc 2.1.3 which is/has not going to get anything more
then security updates since potato froze last year.  

> Take a look at the file /ppc/bootinfo.txt on the 3rd cdrom. That's one key for
> booting off of CD.

no such file on debian cds.

> > \\yaboot is a Mac specific hack, it won't work on non-apple OF.  a
> > yaboot binary is at /install/powermac/yaboot
> We've been extended yaboot so it isn't mac specific anymore. 

i don't mean yaboot, i mean the \\ thing.  that is a apple specific
extension to mean `blessed directory' which is specific to HFS

> > im not sure if it works on non-macs the way its compiled though.
> If you're getting it from benh, it should be fine.

except benh also compiles it with:


which im told means it won't boot on these machines.  if this is still
true i really think that should be fixed so it doesn't need the
compile time option.  all that define does is swap out one tiny peice
of ppc asm in crt0.S that forces the machine into 32 bit mode.  this i
think could easily be done at runtime then the same yaboot binary
could work on both macs, 32 bit CHRP and 64 bit CHRP.  

Ethan Benson

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