xserver building probelms( Was ... Re: Power managment and Xserver)
On Sun, May 09, 1999 at 12:04:49PM -0700, bigj wrote:
> There seems to be an unofficial Xserver that is mentioned quiet a lot in
> the archives, but I can't find a link to it. Will somebody please
> summarize the status of the Xserver specifically of interest to me is the
> G3 laptop (Rage Pro II believe).
Is this the unofficial X packages, version[1-3], that i built in
january, with acceleration for ati chips ?
It must be somewhere, i guess it still is at
ftp://sunsite.auc.dk/local/os/linux/apus/DEB.APUS (or something like that)
also in Hartmut's directory on the debian server i guess.
I have been trying to build new ones this week end, but wasn't very succesfull,
ir compiled al right, after some minor changes to geert's patch, but refused to
be packaged (create-arch-xserves fails in dh_deb(or whatever is used to build
the .debs), with a control directory has mode 2755, should be between 775 and
755 ( this is from memory) What is wrong here, i don't understand this stuff,
which control directory, ... (dbuild reports the same ...))
Also something seems broken wit hdpkg-source, or maybe the X server packages ?
when i use dpkg -x to build the source tree, i don't have execution right for
the create-* scripts, as well as for the scripts in debian/scripts, as well,
when i set them by hand, rebuild the source package, and then unpack them again
somewhere else, sometimes they disapear, but then maybe i messed up something,
it was late.
Also there seems to be a bug in debian/rules, the last action for the
build-libc6 command (the one where you sed out the m68k from the documentation
file, the doc directory is nonexistent, ... i will submit a small patch against
this tomorrow, still someone built this packages on ppc, did you not notice
this stuff ?)
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