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powerpc.debian.org set up

Good day folks,

As you might know I have a PowerPC as loan for Debian here.  This
machine is supposed to help development of binary-powerpc and
disks-powerpc.  <http://www.infodrom.north.de/Infodrom/tervola.html>

This machine now is set up.  Hopefully it stays alive and doesn't
crash again.  I have added another 1gb disk so we should be able to
work on it.

There is still a problem as Linux should boot from the internal ide
drive which fails.  This needs an experienced kernel hacker which I am
not.  If it boots from that disk we have 2gb disk space for Linux.

This is Apples DR 2.1 together with linux-pmac 2.1.42 - which patches
should have been included in the Linux kernel by now.

This release doesn't use shared libraries at the moment.  Someone
needs to install the appropriate packages.  I have installed a version
of dpkg.  I'm not sure if all of its tools are present.  So files can
be installed - but binary-powerpc doesn't work because they use shared

Every maintainer who wants to work on the machine will get an account
on the machine.  Just drop me a line.

Unfortunately the filesystem is quite unstable and if the machine
crashes the affected filesystems are completely screwed and need to be
re-installed.  So please be careful...

The PowerPC will get an alias powerpc.debian.org and is now reachable
via tervola.Infodrom.North.DE.

Now its up to you if we use the machine and if we develop



   / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
  / linux: Unbekannter Terminaltyp                                /
 / Ich weiß nicht, auf was für einem Terminaltyp Sie arbeiten -  /
/ alles, was ich habe, ist 'linux'.              -- Solaris 2.5 /

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